Saturday, November 2, 2019

English High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English High School - Essay Example Blanche is a character possessing relatively low self-esteem. Her driving force - desire - makes her constantly suffer inside. That's why Blanche has the habit of always bathing as if it were a cleansing ritual. But the feeling of refreshment and renewed strength is not long lasting: the past does not wash away so easily and brings her to the terrible climax. Blanche feels desperately lonely and hopes to meet someone to save her from falling into depression. She focuses on this so much that she falls in the end. Art, as a symbolic expression, often reflects intra-physic conflicts within the artist, and many of Tennessee Williams' plays contain themes of desperate loneliness, human disconnectedness, and victimization between the powerful and the weak. Human psychology in A Streetcar Named Desire is not represented as a guiltless thing; on the contrary, it is more so being represented as an instrument that aids people in committing terrifying deeds. The psychology of humans is being described by Blanche's weak psychological state. Blanche has the psychology of a deprived woman; she wants to be loved, but can never reach it. Stanley's active hatred towards Blanche is obvious throughout the play, especially during his birthday gift to her, his damage of her relationship with Mitch, and his raping her.

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